Image Multiplication in Image Processing using OpenCV

In this article, you’ll see image multiplication in image processing using OpenCV. I highly recommend you get the “Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference Book” to learn Computer Vision. For image multiplication in image processing just follow these steps:

Step 1: Install OpenCV

If OpenCV is not installed, then first install it using this code.


Step 2: Import the required libraries


Step 3: Read the Image

Now read the image from the location.


Step 4: Value

The value is 2 which will multiply with all the pixels of the image. For this first, we create a matrix of the same shape.


Step 5: Image Multiplication

In this step, multiply the image with a value using the cv2.multiply() function.


Step 6: Display the Output



Original Image
Image Multiplication
Image Multiplication

Example: Multiply two images

Original Image
Image Multiplication
Image Multiplication

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