How to find size of image in Python using OpenCV

You can find the size of an image in Python using OpenCV by following the given steps. I highly recommend you get the “Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference Book” to learn Computer Vision.

How to find size of image in Python using OpenCV
How to find size of image in Python using OpenCV

Step 1

If OpenCV is not installed, then first install it using this code.

!pip install opencv-python

Step 2

In this example, the man.jpg is the name of the image. Change it according to your image name.

# Import the OpenCV library
import cv2

# Read the Image
image = cv2.imread('man.jpg')

# Display the size of the image

Output: Total Number of Pixels in the image.


Shape of Image

If you want to find the shape of the image then use this code.

import cv2
image = cv2.imread('boy.jpg')

Output: Height, Width, Number of Channels

(1920, 1280, 3)

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