You can change the background color of the Seaborn plot with the following code. The given example helps you to understand how to change the background color of the Seaborn plot. I highly recommend you “Python Crash Course Book” to learn Python.
Example 1: Set Built-in Background Color
# Import the required libraries import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load the Dataset dataset = sns.load_dataset("iris") # Set Background Color # Built-in = darkgrid, whitegrid, dark, white, ticks sns.set_style("dark") # Plot the Histogram sns.histplot(x="sepal_length", data=dataset) # Display the plot

Example 2: Set your own background colors
# Import the required libraries import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load the Dataset dataset = sns.load_dataset("iris") # Set Background Color sns.set(rc={'axes.facecolor':'lightgray', 'figure.facecolor':'orange'}) # Plot the Histogram sns.histplot(x="sepal_length", data=dataset) # Display the plot