How to change bar width in Seaborn

You can change the bar width in Seaborn with the following code. The given example helps you to understand how to change the bar width of the Seaborn plot. I highly recommend you “Python Crash Course Book” to learn Python.

Example: Change the Bar Width in Seaborn

# Import the required libraries
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Load the Dataset
df = sns.load_dataset("titanic")

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Create Barplot
sns.barplot(data=df, ax=ax, x="class", y="survived", hue="sex")

# Define Function in which we will pass new width
def Width(ax, new_width) :
    for patch in ax.patches :
        current_width = patch.get_width()
        difference = current_width - new_width

        # Set new width

        # Now Recenter the Bars
        patch.set_x(patch.get_x() + difference * .5)

# You can change width i.e. 0.5 for this example
Width(ax, 0.5)

# Display the plot


change bar width

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