How to Redirect in Django

Redirecting in Django is a common task when building web applications. Whether you want to guide users to a different page after an action or handle URL changes gracefully, Django provides straightforward methods for redirection. In this guide, we’ll explore how to redirect in Django using various techniques.

Using the redirect() Function

Django uses the redirect() function from the django.shortcuts module for redirection. This function allows you to specify the URL you want to redirect to and, optionally, a permanent or temporary status code.

Here’s a basic example:

from django.shortcuts import redirect

def my_view(request):
    # Your view logic here
    return redirect('target_url')

In this example, when the my_view function is called, it redirects the user to the URL named ‘target_url’ as defined in your Django project’s URL patterns.

You can also specify a full URL instead of a named URL pattern:

return redirect('')

Redirect with a Status Code

By default, redirect() performs a temporary (302) redirect. However, you can specify a different status code, such as a permanent (301) redirect:

return redirect('target_url', permanent=True)

Using HttpResponseRedirect

Django also provides the HttpResponseRedirect class from the django.http module to perform simple redirects. While it offers less flexibility than redirect(), it’s still a useful option:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

def my_view(request):
    # Your view logic here
    return HttpResponseRedirect('target_url')

Conditional Redirects

You can implement conditional redirects based on specific conditions in your views. For example, you may want to redirect users only if they are logged in or meet other criteria:

from django.shortcuts import redirect

def my_view(request):
    if some_condition:
        return redirect('target_url')
        # Continue with the view logic

Passing Data with Redirects

Sometimes, you need to pass data to the redirected view. You can achieve this by using query parameters in the URL:

return redirect('target_url?param1=value1&param2=value2')

In the target view, you can access these parameters using the request.GET dictionary.


Redirecting in Django is a straightforward process that allows you to guide users to different pages or URLs based on your application’s logic. Whether you choose the redirect() function or HttpResponseRedirect class, Django provides the tools you need to create seamless user experiences. Make sure to use redirection wisely to enhance your web application’s usability and functionality.

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