Hussain Nasir Khan

A programmer, writer, and engineer. I have a deep interest in computer vision and artificial intelligence.

How to Migrate in Django

How to Migrate in Django

In this Django tutorial, you will learn about how to migrate in Django step by step. Step 1: Setting Up Your Django Project Before you can start working with migrations, you need to have a Django project in place. You can create the Django project using the following command: Step 2: Defining Your Models Models …

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How to Redirect in Django

How to Redirect in Django

Redirecting in Django is a common task when building web applications. Whether you want to guide users to a different page after an action or handle URL changes gracefully, Django provides straightforward methods for redirection. In this guide, we’ll explore how to redirect in Django using various techniques. Using the redirect() Function Django uses the …

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How to create Superuser in Django

How to create superuser in Django

To create a superuser in Django, follow these steps: Step 1: Navigate to Your Project’s Directory Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where your Django project is located. Step 2: Run the createsuperuser Command Use the createsuperuser management command provided by Django to create a superuser account. Enter the following …

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create app in Django

How to create app in Django

Let’s create a simple Django app that displays “Hello World!” Step by step: Step 1: Create a New Django Project If you haven’t already, create a new Django project using the following command: Replace “projectname” with the name of your project. Step 2: Create a New Django App Now, create a new Django app within …

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Kubernetes vs Docker

Kubernetes vs Docker: Understanding the Key Differences

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of containerization and orchestration, Kubernetes and Docker are two names that often come up in discussions. These technologies have revolutionized the way we develop, deploy, and manage applications. However, there is a common misconception that Kubernetes and Docker are competing technologies when, in fact, they serve different purposes within the …

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How to Create a Project in Django

How to Create a Project in Django

Introduction In the world of web development, Django stands as a robust and powerful framework for creating dynamic and feature-rich websites and web applications. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, creating a project in Django can seem daunting at first. Fear not! In this guide, we’ll see how to create …

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How to load an image from a URL in Python

How to load an image from a URL in Python

You can load an image from a URL in Python using the following code. If you want to learn about computer vision, I strongly advise you to read This book. My Recommendations: Master Deep Learning with These Specializations Deep Learning Specialization TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques